Why go to someone like Yahoo or 110MB when they don't give you PHP, MySQL and cPanel. We give you it all and even an email address to go with it!
You can either buy your own domain on the order form or use our FREE subdomain! (yourname.microthosting.com)
It's kind of small at only 20MB of space but for most pages this is just perfect! If you need to add more space you can for only $3.00 a year for another 10MB of space.
You even get emails! What are you waiting for grab yours today!
Sure you can goto a free server like 110mb.com or yahoo, but they have limitations. 110MB.com won't let you use FTP and yahoo has no php unless you pay. We give you the power of a full server and cPanel all in one account, no one else can boast that much! It even has MySQL and phpMyAdmin!

- Plan Features
Monthly Cost:
Web Space
20 MB
Web Traffic
500 MB
Email Accounts
MySQL Databases
FTP accounts
cPanel Control Panel
Online & Phone Support
24/7 Server Monitoring
Daily Backup
$3.00/ month
Instant Activation
No Account Setup Fees!
- Standard Features
Latest cPanel Access
Complete state of the art billing system to keep track of all your products with Microtronix.
PHP latest version updated!
Ruby on Rails
Streaming ability for all types of accounts! Video/Audio
MySQL and phpMyAdmin
FFMPEG Access!
SWFTools Access!
FLVTool2 Access!
FrontPage Extensions
Full Webmail Access
SpamAssasin Anti-Spam email system!
ClamAV Virus Scanner, scans all incoming and outgoing email automatically!
One click script install using simple scripts! Script list here
Concrete 5 Website builder system
SohoLaunch website builder integrated, all you have to do is CLICK INSTALL!
- Others
Custom Error Pages
Apache Handlers
Password Protected Directories
Support for .htaccess
Access to Raw Logs
AW Stats
Cron Jobs
Shared SSL (HTTPS) (Available upon request)
Server Side Includes (SSI)
Apache mod_rewrite
ionCube Loader
Zend Optimizer
Image Magick / GD
Simple Scripts Auto Installer
osCommerce Shopping Cart
- Email
Email Forwarders
Email Autoresponders
Web Mail (3 different versions!)
Spam Protection
Catch-All Address
GMAIL accessible (Upon request we activate)
- File Management
FTP Access on all Plans!
Secure FTP Access
Web File Manager through cPanel
- Database
Performance Tuned MySQL latest release
Remote MySQL Access
- Media
Microsoft Silverlight Support
Streaming Video Support
Streaming Audio Support
Real Media Audio & Video Support
Flash Support
Macromedia Shockwave Support
MIDI File Support